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Course: Data Structure (3408)
Level: B.S (CS) Semester: Spring, 2015
Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50
No. 1
All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 a) Write down the difference between linear and
non-linear data structure? Give two examples -of each
b) What types of operations could be performed on
data structures?
number is a prime numberor not.
b) Write the difference between one dimension and
two-dimension array. How wecan perform
different operations (Insert, Delete and Search) on
both array’s.
data structure and write an algorithm to reverse a string
“ P A K I S T A N” by usingQueue or Stack data structure.
b) What is a MAX priority physical queue, explain it through
the example of place and serve operations.
Q.4 a) List down the difference between singly linked list v/s
double linkedlist.
b) How we insert, update & delete items in double linked list.
c) Write an Algorithm of data insertion and deletion into
double linked list.
Q.5 Convertthe below mentioned infix expression to postfix
expression by usingthe Stack.
a) 9+3*4/7-10
b) (A+B)*((D-E)+F)-G
No. 2
Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 50
Note: All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 a) In Queue what’s the disadvantage of single step Append
serve model and how we can fix this?
ans: Disadvantage of Single Step Append-Serve Model Although time efficiency of single stepappend-serve mode is good and no need to move n element on each serve but space utilization is
poor. 22. Circular Queue ● The solution of append-serve model is circular queue.
b) Write an algorithm to store non-leap years in circular queue
of array size 10 YEAR[9]. Make sure if queue full then
delete the older years and store the newer year in circular
queue until the last year stored in queue.
(Note: Starting year 1980 and Last year 2014. Leap year is a
year which is divisible by 4 and not divisible by 100 or A
year divisible by 400).
Q.2 Perform Step by Step BFS & DFS Graph traversing of
below mentionedundirected graph.
Q.3 a) Perform Quick sort on below mentioned unsorted list to
ascending order.
“44, 20, 5, 8, 100, 99, 1, 2, 6, 10”
b) Perform a more suitable step-by-step search algorithm on sorted array.
“2, 8, 10, 12, 15, 25, 51, 65, 73, 92”
Q.4 a) What is a Tree data structure and how Binary can differ
from non-BinaryTree.
b) Write down the difference between recursive Pre-Order and
Post-Order Treetraversal.
Q.5 a) Write the difference between Data structure and Files
structure with some examples.
Recommended Book:
Introduction to Data Structure with Application by Paul Trembley Sorenson
Unit No. 1 Introduction to Data Structures
3-Data Structure (Classification, Types, Operation)
Unit No. 2 Arrays
Unit No. 3 Stacks
Unit No. 4 Queues
Unit No. 5 Linked Lists
of Linked Lists
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