Solved Assignment 207 aiou Autumn 2022

                                           Assignment no. 1





Q.l Suppose you are a student and you want to write an essay about Blue Whales. Keeping in mind the information given below, write a paragraph about Blue Whales.

Answer: Essay on Blue Whale:

Balaenoptera Musculus, or the blue whale, is the largest mammal in the world. This enormous mammal can grow to be 82 to 105 feet long and weigh as much as 200 tons. That's longer than two city buses and the total weight of 30 elephants. This giant is powered by a heart the size of a taxi-cab. The blue whale's of the Antarctic grow larger than those of the Northern Hemisphere. Also, the females tend to be slightly larger than the males of the same age. These mammals are bluish-gray in color, with some paler spots. Algae tends to accumulate on their bellies causing a yellowish or mustard colour.
Fifty to ninety throat grooves run from the mouth to the belly. Instead of teeth, blue whales have 270 to 400 black baleen plates on each side of their mouths. These plates are 40 inches long and 22 inches wide. The blue whale has a tiny, stubby dorsal fin set far back on its body. The blue whale's most prominent feature is its fleshy splashguard, which surrounds the blowholes at the
front and sides. This whale spouts a single slender jet that soars forty to fifty feet high. Average life span in this mammal is 80 to 90 years.

Q.2 In Unit 2, Page 46, you have read that there are many people who come to Major Haq’s house for services. What do the following people do at Major Haq’s house?

i. A sweeper who comes to
ii. A plumber who comes to
iii. A washer man who comes to
iv. A maid who comes to
v. A cook who comes to
Answer: Professional of People:
i. A sweeper who comes to clean.
ii. A plumber who comes to maintain the water supply pipe line.
iii. A washer man who comes to wash clothes.
iv. A maid who comes to do domestic work.
v. A cook who comes to cook meal.
Q.3 In Unit 1 you read a dialogue between Kamal Baig and the policeman. Suppose you have gone to a trip to the museum with your school friends. The museum has a collection of many butterflies. Use the WH question from given below and write a dialogue between your and the museum guide. Follow the example:
Example: A: Where are you going?
B: I am going with my friends.
Who, Why, What, When, Where
A Dialogue
Who are with you?
They are my friends.
Where are you going?
We are going to visit museum.
What will you visit specially in the museum?
We shall visit history portion of museum specially.
Why are you going to history portion?
History is our subject, so we are going to history portion. When will you come back from museum?
We shall come back in two hours after visiting the museum.

Q.4 In Unit 2, exercise3, you have read and listened the dialogue between Major Haq and Soomro. Suppose you want to buy a building. You got to a property dealer and ask him some questions. Write five questions which you will as the property dealer about buying a building.

Answer: Five Question
1. Where is the building located?
2. What is the demand of the owner of building?
3. How many rooms and washroom are there is the building?
4. What other facilities are present in the building?
5. When will the owner empty the building?

Q.5 In Unit 2, Page 41, you have studied different words to express reason. Now read the questions below by writing suitable reasons. Use the word given in the brackets. Follow the example:

Example: I am working hard to complete this project as I have to get my degree.
i. Why do we need to keep our surroundings clean? (because)
ii. Why is there so much crime in our country? (as)
iii. Why do we need to get computer training? (since)
iv. Why should we travel by metro bus? (because)
v. Why should we wear proper dress at workplace? (as)
Answer: Giving Reason
1. We need to keep our surroundings clean because clean surrounding is necessary for healthy environment.
2. There are so much crime in our country as there is unemployment.
3. We need to get computer training since it’s need of the hour.
4. We should travel by metrobus because it is safer and cheaper
5. We should wear proper dress at workplace as we live in Muslim society

Q.6 Use the present continuous tense or ing from the verb to write 5 sentences using the following verbs:

Jump, Jog, Walk, Stroll, Limp
Answer: Present Continuous Tense
Students are jumping and playing in recess. Shanza is jogging on the spot to keep her fit. Zohan is walking along the street.
Stroll: People are strolling along the beach.
Limp: That dog is limping; he must be hurt.

Q.7 In Unit 3 you learnt about words and their meanings through use of synonyms. Write at least 5 words along with their synonyms.

Words                                  Synonyms                     Words                           Synonyms
Ability                                   Quality                      Actually                            Really
Accept                                  Sanction                        Brave                              Bold
Broad                                      Vast                          Bachelor                      Un-married
Behind                                    Back                           Afraid                              Fear
Frequent                               Common                         Bad                              Worse

Q.8 Unit 3 deals with ‘Education and Career Plans’. Go to Page 69, Exercise 6, where an advertisement of job for a policeman. The administration requires the following information. Fill in the form given below with information about you.

i. Full Name:
ii. Father’s Name:
iii. National Identity Card Number:
iv. Age:
v. Domicile:
vi. Permanent Home Address:
vii. Present Address if different from permanent address:
viii. Education:
ix. Specialized Diploma (if any):
x. Languages Spoken:
Personal Bio-Data:
i. Full Name: Muhammad Ashraf Anjum
ii. Father’s name: Sharf Din
iii. National identity card number: 31103-1142348-3 

 iv. Age: ' 26 years
v. Domicile: Bahawal TJagar
vi. Permanent home address:786, Street No.2,Green Town
Vii. Present Address if different from permanent address:
386, Street No.4, Fazal Villas, Lahore.
viii. Education: M.Sc
ix. Specialized Diploma: Computer Hardware Diploma
x. Language spoken: Urdu, English, Punjabi
Educational Bio-Data:
Qualification                         Matric                                 FSC                 BSC             MSC
Marks                                   690/850                              750/1100 

Division                                1st                                         1st                  540/800      710/900

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