The Pakistan Movement did not start abruptly. It grew out of necessity, slowly and gradually.


Deputation of Muslims known as ‘Simla Deputation’ Ied_by Sir Aga Khan met Lord Minto who was then Viceroy of India on October 1, 1906 and expressed the concern of the Muslims of India over the situation and also impressed upon him to look into the genuine demands of the Muslims. The Viceroy promised to sympathetically and judiciously consider the Muslim viewpoint. It was probably the result of these efforts that the Muslims were granted the right of separate electorate in the Minto-Moriey Reforms of 1909. When Indian National Congress was fomed in 1885 which was an overwhelmingly Hindu body. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan advised the Indian Muslims to stay away from it. 


 The Muslims of India had no political organization of their own, therefore in 1906 they decided to form a political party known as All India Muslim League. In 1913 Quaid-e-Azam joined the Muslim League and did his best to bridge the gulf between the Hindus and the Muslims Which won him the title of "Ambessador of Hindu-Muslim Unity” Quaid-e-Azam continued his efforts to bring Hindus and Muslims closer. Thus, there was a much greater need of Hindu-Muslim unity. The leaders of the two communities got together at Lucknow in 1910 and drew up a document which was.subsequently known as the ‘Lucknow Pact..’ It was agreed that in Hindu majority provinces, Muslims would get- more representation than Hindu population warranted. The existence of Muslim League, as the sole representative political organization of the Muslims of the sub-continent, was recognized by the Hindus and the Indian National Congress


 Luckily, Mustafa Kamal Ataturk' came on the scene and proved to be a man of destiny. His.personal courage, devotion to motherland and unquestioned leadership bore fruit. The Greeks were given a severe beating and through a treaty between Turkey and the European powers most.of the restrictions on Turkey Were withdrawn. 


 After World War I, the British Government- in India 'apprehending uprising against the agreement because it had not kept its promises made during the war with the Muslims of India, enacted a law known as Rowlatt Act by which any person could be imprisoned without filing a suit against him. 


 The.British Government introduced constitutional reforms in India in 1919. One of the provisions of the Reforms of 1019 was that the Government would setup every ten years, a commission to assess the political and social conditions of India . 


 The British Government in 1927.sent a Commission known as Simon Commission under John Simon. The Simon Commission was received everywhere with black flags. It failed miserably The British Secretary of India Lord Birkenhead got annoyed at the failure of the Simon Commission and threw a challenge to Indian leaders to an agreed Constitution for the consideration of the British Government. 


 After this challenge all the political parties got together at Delhi under the chairmanship of Moti La! Nehru. Meetings were frequently held among leaders and at the end, a report was produced, which is known as ‘Nehru Report. 
                                         Next.............. part 2

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