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Allama Iqbal |
3- Education
4-Ph.D in philosophy
6-Ideology of Pakistan
Dr. Muhammad Iqbal is the greatest Muslim thinker and poet of this century. He was bom at Sialkot on the 9th of November 1877,'’ His ancestors' had migrated from Kashmir some two hundred years before. His father, Sheikh Nur Muhammad, was a mystic -front whom Iqbal inherited deep love for religion.
He received his early education at a local high school and passed his Intermediate examination from Murrey College. He had the good fortune of studying Arabic. Persian and Islamiyat under the inspiring guidance of Syed Mir Hussan. He proceeded to Lahore for higher studies and joined the Government College.
There he came under the.influence of Dr. Arnold who inspired him to study philosophy. In 1899, he obtained his PHD ” degree in Philosophy and joined the teaching staff of the Government College. He went to Europe in 1905 for higher studies in Philosophy and Law.
He obtained his Ph.D in Philosophy from Germany. He was called to Bar in 1908, and he returned to India the same year. His stay in Europe was of great importance. It influenced hint in many ways. He came into contact with the contemporary philosophical and political thought, but the Western civilization and materialism found no favour with hint.
On his return, he started his legal practice, but his heart was not in it. Most of his time, was devoted to poetry, philosophy and religion. He was an inspired and creative poet. He had already written some poems which had been favourably received by critics and readers alike. Now he began to write in both Persian and Urdu.
He did not believe in ‘art for art’s sake.’ For hint, poetry was only a medium for expressing his philosophical ideas, religious and political message. Mir Hussain, he studied Persian, Arabic and Islamiat. Then at Lahore he came under the influence of Dr. Arnold who inspired him the quest of philosophy.In 1899, he obtained a master's degree from Government College and joined their teaching staff, afterwards.
Then he went towards England and Germany for achieving higher degrees in both Law and Doctorate in Philosophy. In 1908, Iqbal returned to the India subcontinent. Yet his stay abroad was to have strong impact upon his thinking. There, he had come into contact with and wide arias of philosophical and even political theory. However, the western mod of civilization and particularly the perverse material, found no favour with him.
Back home, he started a legal practice. Although he was a noble representative of the Muslims in the Punjab, most of his energies were devoted to poetry and prose writings. Already having received some notable attention from critics and readers, able, Iqbal flourished in his chosen apart form. Yet he was not a belover of art used for the sake of aesthetics.
To a great scholar like him, poetry was a vessel for the expression of serious religious and philosophical ideas. His volumes as the Bang-i-Dara, Bal-i-Jibril and Asrar-i-Khudi have won him literary claim of being a genius among the best. Tarana-e-Hind is the sole example of a non communal nationalistic anthem.
The Allama's genuine interest in pursuits of theology had inspired him to deliver a series of lectures at Madras. Later, they were published under the title of "Reconstruction of Religions thought in Islam" Then in 1930, Iqbal presided over the Allahabad session of the All India Muslim League.
Here, he delivered the famous address reasserting the identity of the Muslim Ummah. Thus, was provided the ideological Obasis for the former two nation theory of Sir Syed. This proclaimed separatism as the only viable solution of Muslims Indians. So the demand for our homeland was championed by the brightest poet and philosopher of the East.
Although, the great Iqbal did not live to see the Materialization a new Muslim State, it was his genius and zeal that actually ensured this independent emergence to a nine year struggle after Iqbal's demise, the realization of his grand vision.
. Pakistan, finally came into being. Thus, till present day and from all walks of life, people remember Allama Muhammad Iqbal as a man of endeavour and true insight.
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