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Lahore Board (Inter Part - 1) 2008
Subject: Biology (Obj. Type) Paper-I
Total Marks: 17 Group-1 Time Allowed: 20 Min .
Note: Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink. Cutting or tilling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
1. Some possible answers to each statement are given below. Tick
(S) mark the correct answer: (17)
1- The reasoning from the general to specific is:
(a) Deductive
(b) Inductive (c) Scientific (d) Theoretical
2- The specific heat of vaporization of water is Kcal / kg:
(a) 374 Co) 474 (c) 574 (d) 674
3- If non-protein part is loosely, attached to the protein part, it
is known as: Co-factor (b) Co-enzyme (c) Holo enzyme
(d) Prosthetic group
4- Endocytosis, which involves ingestion of solid material is:
(a) Pinocytosis (b) Phagocytosis © Solidocytosis
(D) Phagocytosis and Solidocytosis
5- Which of the following diseases is not caused by virus:
(a) Cholera (b) Hepatitis (c) Influenza (d) Polio
6- A bacteria with single polar flagellum is:
(a) Atrichous (b) Lophotrichous (c) Amphitrichous
(d) Monotrichous
7- Which of the following causes sleeping sickness:
(a) Trichonymphas (b) Trypanosoma (c) Choanoflagcllaes
(d) None of these
8- Histoplasmosis is a: (a) Heart disease (b) Kidney disease
(c) Lung disease (d) None of these
9- The vascular plants are:
(a) Bryophytes (b) Kmbryophytes (c) Tracheophytes
(d) None of these
10- The biological name of Amaltas is:
(a) Cassia senna (b) Bauhinia variegata (c) Cassia fistula
(d) None of these
11- The excretory system of arthropods is composed of:
(a) Malapighian tubules(b) Flame cells (c) Nephridia
(d) Nephron
12- The pouched mammals are:
(a) Prototheria (b) Mctatherla (c) Euthcria (d) None of these
13- The quantitative study of energy relationship in the biological
system is:
(a) Biochemistry (b) Biotechnology (c) Biocnergetics
(d) Biophysics
14- The animals which feed on plants are: (a) Detritivorcs
(b) Herbivores (c) Carnivores (d) Omnivores
15- The respiratory organs in Fish arc:
(a) Lungs. (b) Air sacs (c) Gills (d) Tracheae
16- Which of the following artery supplies blood to heart muscles:
(a) Pulmonary (b) Coronary (c) Systemic (d) None of these
17- Thc shrinkage of protoplast due to cxosmosis is:
(a) Ascent of sap (b) Guttation (c) Plasmolysis
(d) Deplasmolysis
Lahore Board (Inter Part - I) 2013
Subject: Biology ( Sub.type) Paper-I
Total Marks: 68 Group-I Time Allowed:2:40 Hrs. SECTION-I
Write any TWENTY TWO short answers of-the (33) following questions:
i) What do you mean by integrated disease management?
ii) What is biotechnology?
iii) What are anabolic and catabolic reactions?
iv) What is general formula for the amino acid?
v) What do you mean by optimum pH for an enzyme?
vi) What is Lysosom? Give its function.
vii) Write the chemical composition of primary and secondary cell wall.
viii) Write the number of capsomeres in capsid of Herpes Virus.
ix) What is binomial nomenclature?
x) What are pili? Write their functions.
xi) Write the difference between saprophytic and parasitic bacteria. xii) What are limestone deposits? How are they formed?
xiii) Write the two characteristics of ciliates.
xiv) Differentiate between plasmogamy and karyogamy.
xv) Name sexual and asexual spores of ascomycetes.
xvi) What is the significance of alternation of generation in plants? xvii) Differentiate between microphylls and megaphylls.
xviii) Write the biological name of shisham and sweet pea.
xix) What are diploblastic animals?
xx) Write the four names of harmful insects.
xxi) Define placenta. What is its function?
xxii) Differentiate between cold blooded and warm blooded animals. xxiii) What is an action spectrum?
xxiv) What do you know about Rubisco?
xxv) Define photophosphorylation
(xxvi) What is pyrosis?
xxvii) Give the features of saprophyte.
xxviii) What is pleura?
(xxix) What is diving reflex?
(xxx) Statc pressure flow theory.
(xxxi) Define imbibition.
(xxxii) What is pulmonary circulation?
xxxiii) Give the role of platelets.
Note: Attempt any THREE questions.
3- Write an essay on Lipids. (8)
4- Describe life cycle of bacteriophage. (8)
5- (a) Explain the floral characters of family Solanaeea (5)
(b) Give at least three medicinal benefits of fungi. (3)
6) Explain Kreb's cycle and sketch its various stcps.(8)
7) Define transpiration. Describe the mechanism of opening and
closing of’stomata. (8)
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