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Lahore Board (Inter Part - 1) 2012
Subject: Biology (Obj. Type) Paper-I
Total Marks: 17 Group-1 Time Allowed:
20 Min .
Note: Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given.
The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that
question with Marker or Pen ink Cutting or filling two or more circles
will result in zero mark in that question. Write the
letter A, B, C or D
in the column (write correct option) against
each question also If
there is a contraction in the bubble and hand written answer, bubble
option will be considered correct
(i) Which one of the following is used for lowering blood
(A) Griseofulvin (B) Penicillin
(C) Cyclosporine
(D) Lovastatin
ii) Which one of following is included in tunicates:
(A) Amphioxus (B) Molgula S
(C) Balanoglossus
(D) Saccoglossus
iii) Which one of following is not a carnivores:
(A) Cat (B) Dog
(C) Lion (D) Deer
iv) Which one of the following is not a polysaccharide
(A) Glycogen (B) Lactose S
(C) Starch (D) Dextrin
v) Which one of the following is not a ciliate
(A) Paramecium (B) Vorticella
(C) Trypanosoma S (D) Stentor
vi) Common name for ancylostoma duodenale is:
(A) Hook worm S (B) Pin worm
(C) Tape worm (D) Earthworm
vii) If non-protein part is covalently bounded to enzyme it is
Co-enzyme (B) Prosthetic group (C) Activator
(D) Apoenzyme
viii) Archease Apogea belongs to family
(A) Rosaceae (B) Solanaceae
Daceae S (D) Caesalpiniaceae
vix) Disorder in which haemoglobin molecule have F chain
instead of B.
chain is known as:
(A) Thalassaemia
(B) Leucaemia
© Oedema
(D) Emphysema
vx) In prokaryotic cell wall strengthening material is:
(A) Chitin (B) Lignin
(C) Cutin (D) Murein
vxi) Which one of the following animal has dosed blood
(A) Snail (B) Octopus
(C) Insect (D) Spider
vxii) Twort in 1915 and D' Herelle in 1917 discovered:
(A) Poxvirus (B) Adenovirus
© Bacteriophages
Herpes virus
vxiii) Light wavelength least absorbed by chlorophylls is.
(A) Violet (B) Blue
(C) Yellow (D) Orange .
vix) Tentative explanation of observation is called as
(A) Hypothesis S
(B) Deduction
(C) Law (D) Theory
vx) Which one of following is not extinct:
(A) Homeophyton (B) Psilotum
(C) Psilophyton
(D) Cooksonia
vxi) During photorespiration glycine after its formation diffuses into:
(A) Ribosome (B) Mitochondria S
(C) Peroxisome
(D) Glyoxysome
vxii) Which one of following is a microaerophilic bacterium:
(A) Campylobacter (B) Pseudomonas
© Spirochete
(D) E. Coli
Lahore Board (Inter Part - I) 2013
Subject: Biology ( Sub.type) Paper-I
Total Marks: 83 Group-I Time Allowed:3:10Hrs.
i) Differentiate between gene therapy and chemotherapy.
ii) What is hydroponic culture technique?
iii) Show- peptide bond between two amino acids.
iv) What are conjugated molecules? Give example.
v) Write down any .two postulates of germ theory of
vi) What Vanleeuwenhock s famous for ?
vii) What is the effect of changed PH on yhe action
of enzymes.
viii)-What are pocks?
ix) Differentiate between an artery and a vein.
x) What is difference
between antigen and antibody?
xi) What do you know about imbibition?
xii) What is the effect of changed pH on the
working of enzymes ?
xiii) Differentiate between activator and prosthetic group.
xiv) Give two functions of cytoplasm.
xv) How outer and inner membranes of mitochondria differ from
each other?
xvi) Explain parasexuality.
xvii) How spores are different from comdia?
xviii) What is a gastro vascular cavity?
xix) What are the reptilian features of archaeopteryx?
xx) Give the economic importance of sharks.
xxi) How an 'adipose tissue is formed?
xxii) Give ‘he composition
of saliva.
xxiii) Name four major groups of Kingdom Protista.
xxiv) What are the functions of micronucleus and macronucleus
in ciliates?
xxv) Define alternation of generation. What is its
xxvi) Name the living and extinct representatives of
xxvii) Quote four examples of ferns.
xxviii) Name the processes which act as energy
capturing and energy
xxix) What are the main parts of a chlorophyll molecule and what is
porphyrin ring?
xxx) Differentiate between external respiration and cellular
xxxi) Differentiate between inspiration and expiration.
xxxii) What is diaphragm? State its role in breathing.
Write two properties of respiratory surfaces in
Attempt any THREE questions.
3- Write notes on the following:
Preventive measure of disease.
Vaccination. 8
a) Write main steps of evolution of seed. B) Describe the
structure of proteins. 4
5- a: What is glycolysis? Give its outline. 4
b: What are plastids? Explain the structure and function of
chloroplast. Draw figure. 4
b- Write a note on digestion in oral cavity of man. 4
6-a) Elaborate infection cycle of HIV. 4
b- Give the characteristic features of Amphibians. 4
7- Illustrate the mechanism of opening and Closing of
stomata. 8
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