Essay: Atomic Energy
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Atomic Energy |
The discovery of Atomic Energy. is one of the greatest scientific discoveries of the present age. We may use or misuse this power. . We may use it for destructive or constructive purposes. If we use it for the settlement of our disputes, the whole of mankind will perish as a result. If we are sensible in its use, we may have „ a better and happier world. In the constructive sphere, the atomic energy can work wonders.
The use of atomic energy for medical purposes can cure these diseases which were once considered incurable. Radium can be used in the destruction of abnormal tissues and cancer. Radio-therapy is an important branch of medical science. Superfluous cells are destroyed once for all. The isotopes of sodium, potassium, bromine and iodine will go a long way in tracing the Origin and cause of many diseases. This saves man from the cruel clutches of a slow and painful death. In this way, the atomic energy has alleviated the human sufferings. Medicine and Surgery owe a deep debt of gratitude to scientists who discovered the secrets of Atomic Energy.
In the sphere of industry also, the atomic energy is going to play a very important role. Coal and petrol supply of the world is being gradually exhausted. The time is not far when they may not be available. Without them, electric current cannot be produced. Now atomic energy may be used in the generation of electric current. Factories will get abundant quality of electricity to. produce things on a large scale. Electronic machines and computers are being used in the process of metal working, mineral processing, machine designs, glass making, textile manufacture, plastic and paper processing, electrical equipments, rubber and cement.
In the field of agriculture, atomic energy will be of great help to the farmers. Atomic explosions can level the hills and mounds.
The land so made available can be used for the cultivation of crops. Crops can be ripened within a shorter period with the help of atomic energy. The yield of grain per acre can be doubled the original one. Moreover, atomic energy can prevent the. pests of harmful bacteria. In this way, food problem can be solved.
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