The rapeutic value of literature-or-study of literature:an antidote to extremist Behaviour
2-Literature is pleasant pastime,any enjoyable companion in all ages.
3-Literature not only pleases us but instruct us also.
4-Literature provides a common platform for discussion and exchange of thoughts.
5-Literature elevates our minds,enables our character.
Literature is a subject that belongs to the humanities discipline and it means that human beings are given an discipline place in it. Literature gives us a picture of the thoughts feelings and experiences about this world and n life in general. Literature is a criticism of life seen through a temperament; hence the study of literature is a of various temperaments. Life is variegated, its facts and problems are multifarious and a study of literature gives us life freely and abundantly.
Literature is a pleasant pastime, an enjoyable companion in all ages and conditions of health. When we relax in an armchair after the day’s work, a story or a poem soon lulls our fagged brains to refreshing ease and slumber. The ingenuity of man has discovered in literature the talisman that provides him wings to fly.
Life is a bed of thorns. Shelley calls it a dim vale of tears. In reading literature, we find an escape from the fever, the fret and the weariness of this world. Reading books is thus a pleasure, and the best writers are those who please us the most “Literature exists to please - to lighten the burden of liver; to make them for a short while, forget their wows and their sins, their silenced hearts, their disappointed hopes, their grim futures.
Literature not only pleases us but instructs us also. The authors who attain to the eminence of the classics are those who exercise their imagination on the serious problems of life and explain or elucidate  them through fiction. Literature 3 common platform for discussion and exchange of thoughts  and social and political reforms through exposition. Literature elevates our minds and ennobles our character.It is  a criticism of life and its high seriousness serves to moulds our minds. Literature also exists for the specialist,who studies in order to know a people, an age or a

language Literature is like the air or the ether --the property of no one people or race. Its universality is the universality of life. Wherever men live and think, and dream they live and dream with the whole world. As the Latin poet said :"I am a man; nothing human is alien to me.

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