(Department of English Language & Applied Linguistics

Course: Compulsory English-II (1424)

Level: BA/BS    Semester: Autumn, 2018 Total Marks: 100    Pass Marks: 40

(UNITS: 5-9)
Total Marks: 100    Pass Marks:
Note: For 1424 solved assighnment spring 2019 click on this link
spring 2019 solved assign # 1 aiou

Q.1    Unit 5 of your text book deals with Comparison and Contrast writing technique. Construct compare/contrast sentences using the words given in the box. Follow the example.        (10)

    Example:      Fruits are sweet and juicy unlike vegetables.
In contrast to
As opposed to
ANS: (1) Both George and paul have brown eyes and brown hairs.
          (2)  Each bird likes to have himself sing.
          (3) Neither , fish nor flesh.
          (4) Love can neither be bought nor sold.
          (5)The Nasir lives in the sudan but the bukhari lives in Southern Iran.
          (6)  I read the book whereas Amina went to the park.
          (7) In contrast to sara ,alice is much pretty.
           (8) I am here on muree,as opposed to a hot day.
           (9) Kiran is intelligent,like wise Amina is also intelligent.
           (10) Lahore and Dehli have many similarities.
Q.2    In Unit 5 of your text book you have learnt how to describe Similarities and Differences. Look at the two
 pictures and list five similarities and five differences between them. Follow the example.    (10)

    Example:    Difference: Car 1 is bigger than car 2.
            Similarity: Both car 1 and car 2 are beautiful.

(1) Both car 1 and car 2 are attractive.  
(2) Both car 1 and car 2 are 1600 cc.
 (3) Both car 1 and car 2 are comfotable. 
(4) Both car 1 and car 2 are technically fit. 
(5) Both car 1 and car 2 have digital meter.  
(1) Car 1 is manual while car 2 is automatic.
(2) Car 1 has more space while car 2 has not.
(3) Car 1 is use more petrol while car 2 do not use so much petrol.
(4) Car 1 is tyres are bigger while car 2 has small wheels.
(5).. Car 1 is maintainence is expensive than car 2 .
Q.3    Unit 6 of your text book taught you how to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words (in bold) from the
 context. Guess the meanings of the highlighted words/phrases in the following passages.  Follow the
 example.    (10)

    Example: The surface of Africa consists mainly of plateaus or large flat areas.
    Definition: large flat areas

    i.    When Sara was hiking, she accidentally walked through a patch of brambles, which are prickly vines
 and shrubs.
brambles : gather blackberry
    ii.    Ahmed tripped over the ottoman in the living room. He then mumbled, “I wish people would not
 leave the footstool right in the middle of the room.”
Ottoman: silk clothes
    iii.    My new puppy named Rex is very frolicsome. Rex’s mother however is very serious and never seems
 to want to play.
frolicsome : playful
    iv.    The supermarket manager complained, “why do we have such a plethora of boxes of cereals on the
 shelves? In contrast, we hardly have any pancakes.”
plethora: large and huge amount of anything
    v.    It was a sultry day. The day was very hot and humid. If you moved at all, you would break out in a sweat.
                        sultry: Hot and humid
Q.4    In Unit 6 of your text book, you have read about using prediction techniques. Look at the picture and Guess/Predict what is going to happen next. The first one has been done for you.    (10)
    Example: The bear is going to eat the sweets.

(1) The bear is going to dance.

(2) The bear is going to water the plant.

(3) The bear is going to put cream on cake.

(4) The bear is going to clean his face with nepkin.

(5) The bear is going to decorate cake.  
Q.5    In Unit 7 of your text book, you have learnt about Implied Meaning and Making Inferences. Read 
the following sentences. What do you think is implied in each? What can you infer? Follow the example.    (10)

    Example:    Although he has a car, he walks to his office every day and is healthier than his colleagues.
    Implied Meaning: He walks to his office to keep fit.

    i.    i. He got a job right after his first interview.
He was passed in interview.
  1. After dining in that restaurant I got an upset stomach.
    His stomach became upset after dinner in restaurant.
  2. I had to clean my room twice yesterday.
    He has to clean his house accurately.
  3. He went to the dentist for treatment.
    He has pain in his teeth.
  4. After listening to his complaint the neighbor apologized.
    He has complain with his neighbours.
Q.6    In Unit 7 and Unit 8 of your text book you have learnt about Connotative and Denotative meanings. 
Read the lists of words given below. Each word has a different connotation but has the same denotation.
 Write two connotative meanings for each of the following words. Follow the example.    (10)
    Ex Example:    Dog: Faithful, Dangerous


Q.7    Read the essay given below carefully and then answer the questions given below (in your own words).   

Although not the longest river in America, the Rio Grande is one of the most important. But, unlike
 other significant rivers, it is not used for shipping. In fact, ocean going ships cannot navigate the waters. 
No, what makes the Rio Grande so important is its location. Since 1846, it has been the official border of 
Texas and Mexico.
The Rio Grande is either the fourth or fifth longest river system in North America. It all depends on how
 it is measured. Because the river twists so much, it occasionally changes course. And these course shifts
 can cause it to be longer or shorter. At its last official measure, the Rio Grande clocked in at 1,896 miles. The river starts in Colorado and extends downward to the Gulf of Mexico.  Downward is the best way of describing it too. Not only does the river extend south, but it also starts in the mountains and gets lower and lower in elevation as it extends to the Gulf. Its name is Spanish for the “Big River,” but the Rio Grande is actually known as Rio Bravo in Mexico. “Bravo” translates as “furious,” so the name makes sense. Because of its twists and turns, it certainly does seem to be angrier than most rivers!
The Rio Grande today is mostly used as a source of drinking water. Sadly, much of the water has been
 drained from the river. Parts of the river are almost dry! This is because people use more water from the 
river than the river can get back from rain and other sources. Experts are working to correct this, though,
 with hopes of restoring the river to its past strength. Today, the river is important as a source of water
 for Texans and Mexicans. More important, it is a symbol of cooperation between two nations. Though 
borders like the Rio Grande separate nations, they are also shared spaces. The Rio Grande is therefore a
 symbol of friendship and peace between two peoples.

    i.    i. How long is the river Grande?
  At its last official measure, the Rio Grande clocked in at 1,896 miles.
  1. According to the passage, why is the Rio Grande so important?
    Rio Grande is important because it is source of drinking water.
  2. Based on its use in paragraph 4, the word furious most means?
    The word furious means bravo.
  3. According to the passage, where are the Rio Grande endpoints?
    Rio Grande endpoints are to the Gul of mexico.
  4. How is the river Grande used today?
    River Grande is used today as source of water for texans and mexicones.

Q.8    What type of local events announcements or information we can find in a newspaper? Select five
 such events or announcements from the newspapers of December 2017 and paste them in your assignment. 
Read Unit 9 for guidance.    (10)
please click on this link for reading this article 
News paper
Q.9    Write a newspaper article on any recent event (political, social, entertainment, sport, etc.). It should 
contain all the following mentioned elements. Follow the guidelines and format given in Unit 9.    (20)

  1. Headline
  2. Byline
  3. Lead Paragraph
  4. Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
    click here to watch answer
       please click this link for 1424 assighnment # 1

Solved Assighnments spring 2019 aiou

Solved assighnments aiou code 207 # 1 spring 2019

Solved assighnments aiou code 207 # 2  spring 2019 

solved assignment code 221# 1 aiou spring 2019

solved assignments code 221 assign # 2 aiou spring 2019 


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Solved assign code 386 assign # 2 spring 2019

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solved assignment aiou 413 # 2 spring 2019
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Solved assignment 485 # 1 spring 2019
solved assignment 485 # 2 spring 2019
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Solved assignments code 1431 aiou spring 2019


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