Write character sketch of the woman depicted in the poem. Is an idealization of some kind necessary for our survival as sane human beings? 


ٓAns: Maya Angelou presents the picture of the life of a household woman in this poem. A household woman has to lead a very dull and hard life. The duties of domestic woman are numerous. She is the first to get up early in the morning. She takes great interest in the growth and development of her children. She makes them ready for school and feels for them deeply in their hardships. She does not let them suffer in their life.
She has to clean her house. Her miseries are not over. Sometimes, she has to go to the market to shop for her home. Woman has to cook food for her children and other members of the family. She has also to work in the garden to grow vegetables. She has to sow seeds and water the plants. In spite of all these activities, as poem gives us a hint, that dull and drab routine of her life does not suppress her creative impulses.

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