Essay:                        Poverty and Its Evils

1. Introduction.
2. Poverty leads to criminal activities like robbery, thefts, murder, kidnapping and looting.
3. You can see the women selling their bodies or working as sex-workers.
4. Poverty is the cause of all social evils
5. Conclusion.
Government should adopt such measures to overcome the poverty. Poverty is the cause of all social evils. This universe is replete with innumerable masses who are unable to afford the bare minimum necessities of life. They live below the poverty lineand even face the problem of getting a square meal. They lack in food, clothes and shelter. Generally, they live in slums. They rtiove from pillar to post in search of food but return in the evening empty-handed. They even spread their hands before all but remain devoid of alms.
Poverty leads to criminal activities like robbery, thefts, murder, kidnapping and looting. Now and then one can find
headlines in the papers about their criminal activities. We often come across reports about whole family committing suicide by taking poison as they cannot afford a square meal. Even the parents do not hesitate to sell their children for just Rs. 1,000. These are such a people who kill their small babies because they cannot provide them the minimum necessities of life.
You can see the women Selling their bodies or working as sex-workers. When people are unable to get their livelihood by honest means, they are bound to turn into criminals. Very often people find criminals living only in slums.
Poverty is the cause of all social evils. This universe is replete with innumerable masses who are unable to afford the bare minimum necessities of life. People who do not find any job and remain idle, join some criminals. They begin to rob the people. They devise'many methods to bluff the people. They are always in search, of simple people to trap them. Even there are certain groups people who are professional cut-throat. Beggary is also a cause of poverty. Street begging is a common thing nowadays. Beggars chase the people everywhere. Particularly, the public places are full of beggars.
Government should adopt such measures to overcome the poverty. Government should launch such programs to alleviate the prevailing poverty. Special budget should be allocated for this purpose. N.G.Os should also come forward to mitigate this evil.



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