Compulsory English -l (386)

Level Intermediate                                     Semester Autumn 2019 Passing Marks: 40
                                 Assignment No. 1
                                      (Unit 1-4)
Q.1 You have read in Unit 1,how to make time schedules. Given below in the time schedule of a businessman. Write a complete des -cription of his daily activities using the information given in the table.

 Follow the example.
Example: The businessman sleeps from 11 pm  to 
Answer. -
1-The buisnessman sleeps from 12:00 pm to 5:00 a.m.

2- Between 11:30 am and 2:30 pm he does his office work and
3- He then attends aith his boss  meeting w
4- Between 11: 30 am and to 2:30 pm he does his office work  and takes lunch.

5. At 02:30 pm he picks up his children from school.At 05:00 pm he drives home and takes rest.
Q# 2 In Unit 2, Section A you are tought how to introduce yourself. Now imagine there is a vacant post of a salesman in your company and you want to refer your friend to your boss as a suitable candidate for the post. How would you do that keeping in mind his Qualities relevant to the job you want him to have?

Indirect request: Could you please do the dishes after dinner
I. pick my child........................

1. Can you please go and pick up my child?
II. Can you please drop him to the bus station ?
iii. Can you please touch her phonetics ?
iv- Can I please have some Juice?
v. Can you please lend him your car?
Q 5 You have read In Unit 3, Section B how to guest the meanings of words from the text .Read the following statements ................

1-Meaning become worse or disintegrate.
ii- Meaning :the acti staying away from school without  good .

iii-Meaning insolent or impertinent behaviour.
iv- Meaning : The action of abating or being abated:ending or subsiding.
v-Meaning: hostile and aggressive.
Q: 6
1- The man in the first picture looks like a well built man in his early thirties.He has a serious look on his face and the eagerness in
his eyes that he is serious
about his career and that he aims to do something big with his life.His lips and
beard also tend to enhance his serious look!
2- The second picture shows a half bold man in his  early fifties .He has a french
beared and looks like a happy go lucky kind of  guy .He has puffy eyes with big but seems quite content
 3-The third picture shows a korean girl in her mind  twenties.She is a beautiful girl with a sweet smile on her face .Her face expression ions of love shows mixed emotions and joy!
4-Thefourth picture shows an Australian man may be around in his factories .He
seems like a nice guy who is happy with his life and loves his family a lot.He has small eymile that show his happy disposition.
5- The fifth picture is of a woman in her late thirties.She has big beautiful eyes ,a straight nose and a big smile .Her facial expressions show that she is true at heart and that she loves her friends and family a lot
Q: 7 Punctuation marks are very much .................statement
1- My mother in law's rants made me furious . 
ii-Her son Ali was  born on Dec, 6 2008.
iii-. He was planning to study four Subjects politics philosophy 
       sociology and economics .
iv- Don’t go outside, she said .
v- She began to count one  two  three  four........Until she got to 
 then went to find him.
I. My mother in low's rants made me furious.
3- Her son Ali was born on Dec 6, 2008. He was planning to study four Subjects, politics, philosophy ,sociology and economics.
4- Don’t go outside, she said.
5. She began to count one, two, three, four,Until she got to 10 then went to find him.
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