Compulsory English-! (386)                        Level: Intermediate

Semester, Autumn 2019                                Passing Marks : 40

                                  Assignment No. 2
                                        (Unit 6-9)
Q # l You have read how to apology in unit 6, Section A. Retail that unit, look at the sentences on the left and then write appropriate responses of apology. Follow the example.
1-Have you taken your medicine ?     Sorry 1 haven't, 1 fell asleep.
2-Did you book the tickets?                It's really my fault that I  

                                                             could not. I totally forget.
3-You are late for the interview.          Sorry! I apologise for being 
4-Are you cooking tonight.                 Pardon me for not cooking .I 

                                                             am not feeling well.
5-You promised to attend                    Please accept my most
     the wedding .                                  scincere apology for the  
                                                             error .I got an Important 
                                                             work on some time.
Q #2 In Unit 6, Section B, We discussed and practiced the skill of skimming. Can you skim the following paragraph for answering the questions given at the end?
Ans:  Rhinos mind their own business................... year on September
1-The author of text is nature lover. He keenly observe the habits of rhinos ond enjoys it.
 2-yes he enjoys like rolling plants, mud make up, rock licking and rubbing body with rocks etc.

3- No, the author never support hunting animals not for sports only but for any purpose
4- People kill rhinos to get their horns. 
5-He wants to tell the world on world rhino day, that number of this powerful and interesting specious is so trivial in world now "Some rhino"
Q # 3 Unit 7, Section A troches you how to use reason expression. Everybody h permitted to express hit or hot opinion on on iiwr Rood tho following examples of opinion! ond write logical reasons jor them.
i. In my opinion, vita pokey of otl the countries should bo easyH. I believe in the stronger punishment for the culprits by the court of lowHI. In my view life quality has become much better with time.
hr. I agree with the anti-narcotics campaigv. I personally agree n th the opposition rather than government.
vi I think mathematics is o very practical and useful subject to study.
Q.4 In Unit 7. Section A you read about different professions ...................particular profession.
I think teaching is the most respectful profession of the world. Our holy prophet (PBUH) called "The teacher" by Allah Almighty In our religion a teachers status is equal to father. I saw the people on great posts to stand for his teacher, It is the respect that never gains with any other profession. Teacher's remains always respected for his student In his whole life. Teacher is the only person who gives his student a part of  his life,his experience,his knowledge.

 This is the only person who performs his duty scincerely besides parents without any expectations from his students.Most of the students never meet again their teachers after their educational periods but teachers give the all equally their 100% .I always get many benefits and knowledge under my teachers's kind observation.
I will keep praying for them in whole of my life.
Q: 5 You have read in ...................... answer the questions given at the end.
1-It is difficult to measure but according some reports pacific garbage patch covers almost 700,00 square kilometers.
ii- It's a trick question ,answer is not available in tent.

iii-We should use plastic items and should clean our sea shores.
iv- Microplastic that escapes the garbage patch washes upon shores.
v- Animals thought it's food and eat them It can chock them ,poison them and effecct their ability to reproduce.
Q: 6 
  In Unit 8. Section A, We have explained he use of sequence markers. (Given below are a number of sentences to show how digestive...............stools
Ans: In this paragraph we learn how our digestive system works.First of all our mouth chews food and mixes saliva to it.Then esophagus pushes it to stomach.Here 

stomach work start. Its muscles mix digestive juices like
stomach acid and enzymes in food.Pancrease and liver delivers dijestive juices to small intestine.after it small help digest protein ,carbohydrates and fats,It also absorbs water.Afterwards bacteria in large intestine break down remaining food .In last the parts of food
that are still too large become stool.
Q: 7 You may like some of the following sports........hockey

1- I did not like valleyball It seems a violent sports to me .
2. I love to see gymnastics because it manage physique well
3. Football is a world famous sport .It's energetic and aggressive
4. Basketball is challenging game; it's good for height improving

5- Table tennis is challenging game.It's good for hejght improving.
6. Swimming is healthy habit and  sports
7. Archery is a great  sport for building confidence quickly .

8-Badminton is a famous healthy  and aggressive sports.
9-Cricket is a passion .It becomes very fast now a days.
10-Hockey is immediate results making sports that's why I like it.

Q #8: You have read about making predications in Unit 9. Read the following passage Predict what event is most likely to occur next? What evidence from the text supports your prediction?..........................................

Ans:  soon will

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