1st Assignment  221 aiou Autumn 2019 Solved Assignments  

Passing Marks (Assignment 1): 40                                 FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH
                                                               Assignment No. 1
                                                                           (Unit 1-3)
Q.l In Unit 01, talking about shopping, you learnt the correct quantity of things that you wont to buy from bakery, grocer and cloth shop. You hove planned a dinner of 10 people. What items (of food) will you buy, How much (quantity) and from where (shop)? Provide a detailed list of at least ten items.
For Example: Five liter oil from the supermarket.
1-4 kilo bosmati rice from grocery shop.
2-2 kilo chicken from butcher shop.
3-2 kilo milk from bakery shop.
4-1 kilo Mango from fruit shop.
5-1 kilo sugar from grocery shop
6-2 kilo yogurt from bakery shop
7-1 packet of biryani masla from departmental store.
8-Some vegetable from vegetable shop.
9-2 kilo gulab jomon from bakery shop.
10-4 bottles of Pepsi from the supermarket

Q.2 When we want someone to do something for us we normally make a request. What type of requests will you make in the following situation?

For Example: You want to watch a movie.
You: Can we please go to the cinema today?

a.             You want your sister to make tea.

b.            You want to find a particular book in the bookshop.
c.             You want help in completing the homework.
d.            You want a Panadol for your headache.
e.             You want permission to go to Murree with your friends.

1. Do you think you could make a cup of tea for mother?
2. Is it all right if you help me to find the Novel of Horry Potter ?
3.Will you help in completing the Mathematics homework?
4. Can you give me Panadol for headache?
5. Would you mind if 1 go to Murree with my friends?

Q 3 Your friend has developed food allergies and is now in hospital. Give him/her at least five suggestions as given below in the example how he/she can make changes in their lifestyle.

Example: You should try not to eat out frequently.

1. You should to keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.
2. You should cook all meats to the safe minimum cooking temperature.
3. You should keep hands, utensils and surfaces clean even during meal preparation.
4. You should limit eating any food.
5. You should store food properly.

Q# 4 Match the items in column A that you can find in location given in column?

Laal Gharara
Poems of Iqbal
Art and Craft
Patiala Jewelers
Refreshment Centre
Embroidered suits
Chai khana
Nizam Watch House
Book Fair

No.                     Items                                    Locations
1-                       Shoes                                    service
2-                       samosa                                 Refreshment centre
3-                       Earings                                 Patiala jewelers
4-                       Watches                                Nizam watch House
5-                       Poem of Iqbal                         Book fair
6-                       Tea                                           Patiala Jewelers
7-                       Table                                     refreshment centre
8-                        Embroidered suits                Local gharara
9-                        Mobile                                 Oppo
10-                       Handicrafts                         arts and craft

Q.5     Read Unit 3 carefully and define the following concepts with examples
Text Box: £
a. Pollution
b.      Overpopulation
c.      Types of rain
d.      Greenhouse effect Answer:- 
a- Pollution
Pollution is something introduced into the environment that is dirty, unclean or has a harmful effect 
Toxic waste dumped into the water is an example of pollution.
          b.    Overpopulation
The condition of having a population so dense or to cause environmental deterioration, on impaired quality of life, or a population crash.
Example: War, decrease of resources, pollution, conflicts, sanitary problems
c. Types of ram:-
There are three main types of rainfall.
Relief rainfall
Relief rainfall occurs when air has been blown over the sea and is then forced up over on area of high land. This causes the air to cool and the moisture in the air condenses and rain foils.
Frontal rainfall:
 Frontol rainfall occurs when worm air is forced to rise o air condenses or it cools which causes clouds and rain
Convectional rain fall:-
it Occurs mostly in tropics where it is hot. When air is hot is rises and cools and condenses forming rain. If the air is hot enough, it rises very quickly and can cause thunderstorms.
d. Greenhouse effect:-
Green house effect is when the rays of the sun enter the earth's atmosphere and cause heating of the land. The effect of rays is dangerous for the nature
Greenhouse gasses cause the greenhouse effect. The primary greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide ond ozone Without greenhouse gasses, the average temperature of Earth's surface would be about -18 c (0 F), rather than the present overage of 15 c (59 F).
Q.6 Write a note on the following. You con consult books, magazines or the internet for your answer.

a. importance of staying hydrated in summer
b. Maintaining Cleanliness
a. importance of staying hydrated in summer
Water is one of the basic needs required for human life About 70 percent of the human body is made up of water and your vital organs couldn't function without it. Consequently, its important to continually replenish your body with water, especially during the warm summer months.
However; sometimes that is easier said than done When the weather heats up during the summer, you can become dehydrated more quickly, even if you feel like you're drinking enough water With a little planning on how to stay hydrated, you can enjoy o sofe and healthy summer full of oil your favorite outdoor activities
Because when your body loses more water thon it takes in - the state of being dehydrated - you don't have the liquid required to perform normal functions. If you feel tired, irritable or dizzy ofter being outdoors or In a hot room, dehydration could be the culprit. Other symptoms include:
• Confusion.
Extreme thirst
• Infrequent urination.
• Low blood pressure.
• Urine that is dark in color.
However, avoiding these symptoms isn't the only reason why staying properly hydrated is important. Lock of adequate hydration over on extended period of time can lead to other more serious health issues. While minor dehydration can simply be treated by drinking water, severe cases may require intravenous treatment by emergency personnel.
b. Maintaining Cleanliness
There's no place like home - whether tiny or lavish. It's the place where you feel relaxed no matter what life throws on you. Therefore, (it goes without saying) keeping your home clean, organised, and hygienic Is just as important as your own body Easier said thon done though! Finding time to monoge house cleaning every day amidst a tight work schedule is a hard goal to achieve.
Follow these simple steps to maintain cleanliness ot home for a hygienic and healthyy environment.
1. Empty the trash bin regularly
2. Dust walls and ceilings periodically
3. clean kitchen countertop and sink after every use
4. Tidy up your Iiving room
5. Keep your bedroom organized
6. Wipe bathroom floor to keep it dry
7. Keep indoor and outdoor plants trimmed
8. clean air vents and ducts regularly
9. Invest in a quality air purifier
Q. 7 Write down at least 2 possible effects of the causes given below. 
                 Cause                                             Effect 1                                      Effect 2.
1-Too many showers in Monsoon    People face skin problems.        People have hair problems.
2. Over exposer to the sun.               Lock of water m the body.         The body becomes shielded.
3.Out storm in summer season         So people cough oil the time.    People hove lungs problems
4  Lock of reoding habits in             Students fall l the exam              students donot goal good marks
 5.Habit of procrastination in            Wastes valuable time                   You blow up opportunities.
    Human beings
 Solved Assignments Autumn 2019
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