Comparison Narrative descriptive essay,Academic writing

a-Comparison essay  
comparison essay consists of on details which we get from comparison of two things which are attached or linked with each other .We can not compare the things which are quite different and has no link .In the kind of essay.matter consists of two elements which are comparing.we note down their equalities and differences.
For Examples
Prints and Electronic media ,Merits, and demarits of internet etc.
b-Academic writing and it's essentials
An essay is a piece of writing that generally shows the writers point of view on a particular subject.An essay describes or analysis one topic.
It can range in length from one paragraph to more.It can be about anything and written in almost any style .It can be serious or funny analytical or argumentative.It can describe personal opinions or just report information learning to write academic essays will take time and practice.
Essay writing is the most essential part of academic process and essays are backbone of your writing.
Writing an academic essay can be a daunting task ,but do not be discouraged.If you are organized and follow the guidelines that we are giving you in this unit and all the forthcoming units ,writing an essay will pose no problemsfor you whatsever.
C: Narrative essay
What is a Narrative Essay? A narrative essay is a kind of an essay that recreates an experience. A narrative essay can be based on your experiences, either past or present, or it can be based on the experiences of someone else. In a narrative essay a writer narrates, tells or describes an event. It is about telling a story. So a narrative essay is a story about your experience - imaginary', or real.
A Narrative piece of writing has:
■ A plot, which means it has 'the story, theme or events.
■ A setting, that is where and when the story happens.
■ Characters, that is who performed actions.
So a narrative is a story with events, actions and characters. Generally a narrative essay is conversational in style and tells a personal experience. It is most commonly written in the first person 'I'.
Narrative writing is often about narrating or describing 3 person's life story, important historical events, or news stories. Since 3 narrative tells a story, the most important thing to remember is to give as much details as possible and to make sure you put things in a step by step order or sequence in which they occurred; usually a narrative gives events in the sequence or in chronological order in which they occurr. You must have read or heard stories, like fairy tales, short stories, novels, etc. all of these are narratives, because they tell a story about something that happened in a sequence or chronological order.
Like all essays even a narrative essay follows the same organisational pattern;
■ Introduction
■ Middle or body
■ Conclusion
Your entire narrative is concentrated in these paragraphs.
■ The first or the introductory paragraph introduces the experience.
■ The middle or the body gives details so that a reader shares your experiences and is involved in the events and actions of the story or the narrative.
■ Conclusion wraps up your essay, summarize and give it a taste of completeness.
Now read a sample narrative essay and then try to understand its

What is academic writing? How it is different than other types of writing?

"Academic writing" refers to a particular style of expression.
Academic writing is different than other types of writing:-
Writing in college or university is different from writing in school. As o student of higher level, you should know how to write clearly, to have an interesting and arguable point of view, to construct paragraphs
As a college or university student, you will be engaged in reading and writing activities that will make you read critically, think, analysis and read clarity. Whether you are a student or teod • academic writing skill are necessary in today's world. Essays, reports, presentations and research papers are just some examples of documents written in the academic style.

b. How would you define on "essay”? Provide various types of essays you studied with their particular characteristics.

Ans: An essay is a piece of writing that generally shows the writer's point of view on a particular subject.An essay describes,discusses or analysis one topic.It can range in lenght from one paragraph to more.It can be about anything and written in any style.It can be serious or funny analytical or argumentative.It can describes personal opinions, or just report information.Learning to write academic essays will take time and practice.
The descriptive essay provides details about how something looks ,feels ,tastes, smells, and sounds. It can also describe what something is, or how something happened. These essays generally use a lot of sensory details exciting our sense of smell, taste, touch, and seeing.
Compare and Contrast:-
The compare and contrast essay discusses the similarities and differences between two things, people, concept, places, etc. The essay could discuss both similarities and differences, or it could just focus only on one aspect: either similarities or differences or it could just focus only on one aspect either similarities or differences.
Cause and effect essay
The cause and effect essay explains why or how some event happened and what resulted from the event. This essay is a study of Its relationship between two or more events or experiences me could discuss both cause and effects, or it could simple address one or the other. A cause essay usually discusses what happens after a specific event or circumstance.
The narrative essay tells a story. Generally, the narrative essay is conversational in style, and tells of a personal experience commonly written in the first person. This essay could describe a single event, or simple a mundane daily experience.
A process essay describes how something is done. It generally explains actions that should be performed in a series or in steps. It can explain in detail how to accomplish a specific task. The essay could be in the form of step-by-step instructions, or in a story form, with the instructions or explanations given along the way.
An argumentative essay attempts to persuade the reader to fbe writer's point of view. The writer can either be serious or funny, but always tries to convince the reader of the validity of his or her opinion.
An Analysis essay analyses the strengths, weaknesses and methods of someone else s work. An analysis essay can be written analyzing an essay, story, book. poem, movie, or a work of art. Generally, theses essays beginn with a brief overview of the main points of the text.
c. Define " descriptive essay". How It Is different than other types of essays? Provide brief examples.
The descriptive essay provides details about how some thing looks, feels.tastes, smells, and sounds, it can also describe how something  is. or how something happened. These essays generally use a lot of sensory details exciting our sense of smell, taste,touch and seeing.
Descriptive essay is different than other types of essays
Focus on the details of what is going  on for example if you want to
write a descriptive essay about your trip to the park you will give detail of what you experienced. how the grass felt beneath your feet.What the park benches looked like and anything else the reader
would need to feel as if he was there.

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