(iii)  Do you think that the ending of the play "The Boy comes Home" is justified? 


Yes the ending of the play is justified. It is a light comedy full of wit and fun. Philip has come home after a few years from the war front. His parents have died and his uncle and aunt have raised him up. His uncle James is a strict disciplinarian but his aunt emily is a kind and soft lady. 
Philip wants to get up late but his uncle orders that nobody will be able to get breakfast after 8 A.M. Philip does not want to join the business of parents left for him which is being run by his uncle James. 
There is tension in the house between Philip and James, One day uncle James calls Philip to talk to him. Philip is preparing himself for the meeting. Meanwhile uncle James who is waiting for Philip begins to doze. 
He has a dream that Philip comes and there is an exchange of hot words over issues of Philips’ profession and punctuality. Philip wants to be an architect while his uncle asks him to join the business left by his parents. 
Philip becomes angry and takes out his revolver and then a bomb. He threatens him to kill.
James wakes up. He is a changed man now and talks to Philip softly who also becomes mild and agrees to be punctual and join the business of his parents.
So we can say there is a happy ending and the end of the play is justified.

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