Corruption in exams,beggars,Apeal for victim of flood(letters)Corruption in exams,beggars,Apeal for victim of flood(letters)

LETTERS TO EDITORS  A letter to the editor of a newspaper about the corruption in Examinations.  Examination Hall,  City A.B.C.  March 1, 2014.  The Editor, News paper, Sir,  Through the columns of y…

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Change subject,One month leave(applications)Change subject,One month leave(applications)

Applications Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to permit you to change your subject.   The Principal,  Govt. College, City   Sir,  I am a student of first year of …

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Non recepient of parcel,S H O for loss something,Rash driving(letters)Non recepient of parcel,S H O for loss something,Rash driving(letters)

Letters A letter to the postmaster of the area about the non-receipt of a parcel.  Examination Hall,  City; A.B.C.  March 12, 2014.   Dear Sir,  I want to take your kind attention to a problem facing…

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Telling about health,Aplogy ,Asking loan(letters)Telling about health,Aplogy ,Asking loan(letters)

Letters Write a letter to your mother telling her that you have been ill in the hostel and now your health is improving.   Examination Hall,  City A.B.C.  10th April, 2009.   My dear Mother,  I hope…

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Thanking for gift,Profession you wish to adopt,death of motherThanking for gift,Profession you wish to adopt,death of mother

Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for his gift. Wrist watch Examination Hall,   City A.B.C.  March 29, 2014.  My dear Uncle, I hope that all of you will be in the best of your health. It was…

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Cause of failure,permission for holidays,telling about university(Letters)Cause of failure,permission for holidays,telling about university(Letters)

Letters to father Write a letter to your father explaining him the cause of your failure in the examination.   Examination Hall,   City A.B.C.  March 29, 2014.  My dear Father,  I hope my letter wil…

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Advice from father,suggestion for books,Advice for studiesAdvice from father,suggestion for books,Advice for studies

Letters to relatives Write a letter of advice from a father to his son who studies in a college away from house.  Examination Hall,   City A.B.C.   March 26, 2014.  My dear Son,  This is the first l…

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Europe(Largest continents of world)Europe(Largest continents of world)

 United kingdom London London is the capital of the United Kingdom and its largest city by far, with a population of about 7.2 million. People have settled here for thousands of years, but the city…

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Never pretend to be what you are not-moral storiesNever pretend to be what you are not-moral stories

Moral stories  THE ASS IN LION’S SKIN  Ass in lion's skin Once an ass went to a jungle. There he found the skin of a lion. He put it on him and began to loiter into the woods . Seeing the other an…

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Nip the evil in the bud.(moral story)Nip the evil in the bud.(moral story)

Moral stories  Camel and Arab Once an Arab was passing through a desert. It was winter season. In the evening, he pitched his tent to pass the night in comfort .He tied his camel with a rope to a pe…

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Hen and golden eggs,Fox and Goat,Lion and mouseHen and golden eggs,Fox and Goat,Lion and mouse

Moral stories (Part 3) THE HEN THAT LAID GOLDEN EGGS   Hen and golden eggs   Once a man had a big hen. It was a strange hen. It laid a golden egg daily. The man was very happy. He sold the gold and …

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     Tit for tat As you sow, so shall you reap,Thirsty crow,Necessity is the mother of invention Tit for tat As you sow, so shall you reap,Thirsty crow,Necessity is the mother of invention

Fox and crane    Fox and crane Once a fox and a crane were friends. One day the fox invited the crane to dinner. But he wanted to make a fool of his guest. When the crane came he offered him some sou…

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Fox and grapes,Hare and tortoise,Wolf and LambFox and grapes,Hare and tortoise,Wolf and Lamb

Three moral stories THE FOX AND THE GRAPES Fox and grapes It was a hot summer day. A fox was feeling very hungry. He went out in search of food. He wandered about here and there but found nothing t…

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A little fish,Donkey and salt,(moral stories)A little fish,Donkey and salt,(moral stories)

Moral stories A little fish A little fish Once a fisherman lived in a village near a river. He earned his bread by catching fish from the river. One day his luck did not favour him. He sat on the ba…

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 11th class question paper 2012 -chemistry Bise Lahore 11th class question paper 2012 -chemistry Bise Lahore

 Lahore board old papers                           Bise Lahore                         Inter (Part 1) Lahore Board 2012  Chemistry Paper I                                        (Objective Type)     …

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