Write an application to the DPO of your district on the rise of drug trafficking in your areas.

Drug Taffling      

Examination Hall,

 City, A.B.C. 

March 15, 2019.
The D.P.O., Lahore,
Subject: An Application to Stop the Rise of Drug Trafficking.

I wish to bring to your kind notice about the rise of drug trafficking in our area. More and more people have begun using drugs like heroine, opium and other drugs in our city. The drugs affect their body and mind so badly that they cannot work properly. They need money to buy more drugs. When the money finishes, and they cannot earn, they either begin selling their things and then become criminals. 

They can join gangs of thieves or robbers pr terrorists. As drug taking becomes common, the society begins moving towards destruction.
It is requested that you may please take urgent decisive action against drug traffickers. The city's population will be highly grateful to you for this kind and necessary action.

                                                                                                           Yours Scincerely


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