What are the reasons for  the development of beauty industry?


There are many reasons for the development of beauty industry.
Firstly,the people have more money in general, that is,  are becoming more prosperous. The circulation of money in the poorer sections of society has improved the economic condition of the. poor, and they can spend more on beauty.
Secondly, the greater expenditure on and attention to beauty is because of the new situations of women and the new attitude towards the physical side of life. With a higher status or position, more money is spend on them. Then the body or face appearance .
Is taken as more important than the spirit or mind nowadays. In  times of bad business, other expenditures than on beauty are cut.
Thirdly, women now are free than in the past. As they are performing today male functions in society, they feel free to look more beautiful as they like. In this beautifying process, if they  begin looking less virtuous,'by perhaps exposing their bodies, it does not matter. Even the simple and covered middle-aged women of earlier times are now coming out with their beautiful' «  bodies partly naked.
The writer says critically that we raise no moral objections to the beautification of older women in objectionable ways. We have come to accept evil and have rejected good. We have begun attending to the body, and have rejected the spirit. We do not want to trouble the body • in order to strengthen the spirit. So the producers of cosmetics and sellers of reducing belts, massage machines and lotions and writers of books on body development have become very rich.

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