Essay: My Ambitions in Life
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My ambition in life |
1. Introduction.
2. Importance of aim; so many aims.
3. My,aim: To be a professor of English.
4. How this aim can be realised:
5. Conclusion.
Aim is very important in life because it brings ail our energies to one point. Robert Browning says. “The aim, if reached or not, makes great the life.” It provides direction for our attempts. Our aim .is to want of motive. When a man does not know what harbour he is-making for, no wind is the right wind.
There are as many aims as men. Some want to be doctors, others to be engineers and civil and military officers. Some want to be poets, others to be novelists. Aim that suits the nature of a man is the best for him.
I desire to be a professor of English. Teaching is not a paying profession. Professors and teachers all over the world are low-paid people.
The reason is that the world cannot pay for their services. There are several reasons for my choice. First, teaching is a noble profession. The best people in the world are those Who teach others. To me, this profession is the pnly profession. in which a man Can serve his nation in the* best possible manner.
Engineers may build grand building, metalled roads, massive dams; doctors may treat the patients and may put life into the'dead; civil and military officers may boast of their services to the nation. But teacher is like a ladder which remains at its place,,but helps others go higher and higher. So, instead of being an engineer, a doctor, or an officer, it is better to be an engineer-maker, a doctor-maker, an officer-maker.
It is only the men that glorify a nation, and these men are made in the teaching institutions. Secondly, I am suited to this profession. I take pleasure in solving problems and explaining them to others. I am fond of reading and teaching. By adopting this profession, I will be able to lead a life of learning. Thirdly, inquisitive natures may ask if I want to be a professor, why a professor of English.
The answer is that English Literature is my favourite subject. A man can serve his nation well only when he has some interest in the work he is performing.
Realization of such a noble ambition is possible only when a man devotes all his time to studies.
Keeping this in view, I work hard and make intensive study of English Literature. In future, I hope to produce such men as would be of great service to the coming generation. By being a professor, I can do much for my country in another way. It is by writing good and original books. Books also have a hand in making or marring a nation.
If useless; bad and objectionable literature is produced, the minds of the young men are likely to be spoiled.
Whatever others think of my aim, I am satisfied that this aim is according to my taste and nature. Going against, it would result in nothing but harm and confusion of mind.
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