What is the importance of saying Please? 


Ans: Alpha of the Plough tells us about the importance of saying “please” in his social essay “On Saying Please”. According to him, “Please and Thank you are the small changes with which we pave our way as social beings. They are the tittles of politeness'by which we keep the machine of life oiled and running sweetly.” Through saying “please", we make sound and deep foundation for future friendly cooperation with one another in the society.
Saying the word “please" in everyday negotiations, opens ’ the doors of cordial relations among all the members of the community. The word destroys the limits of superiority and inferiority among the people arid makes them stand, for the time being at least, on the same equal footing. “Please’ is a leveller, an equaliser.  "
Although it is true that there is no law that forces us to say “please”, still it is an integral part and parcel of our social tradition. If we are normal civilized society, “Please” is the first
requirement and expectation from us. “Please” is a small a small token, which gives birth to congenial atmosphere in the society. 
The writer gives an example of a man in the beginning of the essay who did not say “Please” to the liftman in spite of being reminded that The result of this rudeness was that he was thrown out by the liftman. If he. would have simply said, “please”,is the first
requirement and expectation from us. “Please” is a small word a small tocken ,which gives birth to congenial atmosphere in the society.
The writer gives an example of a man in the beginning of the essay who did not say “Please” to the liftman in spite of being reminded that The result of this rudeness was that he was thrown out by the liftman. If he. would have simply said, “please”, he would not have been maltreated like that by the liftman. So we see that it is really very important to say "Please*.

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