Essay:               Energy Crises

1. Introduction.
2. Self-sufficiency in energy is the assurance to excel any country’s economy.
3. Pakistan is experiencing the worst economic crisis since its .creation.
4. Reasons:
i) No major dam was built
ii) Mismanagement of resources and corruption. 
iii) Failure to pay the oil companies.
5. Conclusion.
Self-sufficiency in energy is the assurance to excel any country’s economy. According to an international analysis,'the oil and gas reserves will be finished into the second half of this current century. For that reason, to attain self-sufficiency, alternative energy resources are being explored.
Pakistan is experiencing the worst economic crisis since its creation. Factories and power looms are being closed down and the people do not have , any idea what to do= There are many factor^ which have contributed towards the energy crisis and the government has failed miserably in solving this problem of load-shedding..
Pakistan has been unable to build any major dam iri the country. The population has been increasing very rapidly since 2000 and no government has started the work on the proposed Kalabagh Dam in the region. As the population has been increasing, the electricity demand has also increased but the supply has remained the same. Lack of education has made people ignorant and heartless. People do hot care to turn off the; light in the room, they are riot sitting and they regard it a thing of pride to overuse electricity.
There are 'three other major reasons for the energy crisis; They are circu lar debt, mismanagement of resources and , corruption. A significant amount of electricity in Pakistan is produced by oil. Failure to pay{he oil companies results in the low supply which results in energy crisis. The power plants, operating in Pakistan, are either not operating on their full capacity or they are not even running We all talk about the corruption done by the government officials.vbut we never talk about, the corruption done the citizens who are perceived as innocent Pakistanis.

 At least by 27% of Pakistanis' pre -either„not giving the electricity bill or are bribing the officials to'reduce the amount of the bill.
There have been serious consequences of the energy crisis. Everyone in Pakistan has been badly affected by the energy crisis; There was a common belief that only the poor, people in Pakistan suffer, but energy crisis has also destroyed the lives of the rich people. Students are not able to learn or concentrate on their studies as the attention is diverted because of the 12-hour load-shedding. Industrialists have started relocating their industries to Bangladesh as it is no longer feasible for them to run their businesses in Pakistan. 

People belonging to the middle class are having great difficulty in finding the jobs because all the major businesses are either shutting down or making their employees surplus. It is the duty of both government and the citizens to use electricity with care and denounce all those people who are involved in this corruption. Government, with its resources, can punish all the culprits severely so that a precedent is set and no one could ever gain dare to steal electricity.

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