How far would you agree that the fish is a living character?

 It goes without saying that the fish (Marlin) is a living character‘in the novel. Hemingway presents , the fish'.as the desire of human being. It is so much a living character that Santiago never calls it by the pronoun “If , and always call it “He". At some places, he even calls it by the titlle “brother". It lives; it is injured; it struggles to save its* life; it takes old man's skiff for hours and hours; it is attacked by the old man; ft dies.

 It makes Santiago, strangely enough, a lucky and unlucky man at the same time. Santiago talks to it many times.
Although the fish , does not speak and we do not have access to his thoughts, the Marlin is certainly an important character in the novel. Santiago idealizes the Marlin, ascribing to its traits of great nobility, a fish to which he must prove his own nobility if he is to be worthy enough to catch it..
On its own, the fish is resilient and pdwerful. Also, the fish is Santiago’s only, companioh on the sea, even asjt is his foe. This provides a definite role for the fish as a living charade?. Nobility,, loyalty and strength of will are all attributes that Santiago projects onto the fish.

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