Essay: Wealth is Not Everything

1- Introduction
2- Health or wealth.
3- Wealth and modern world.
4- What cannot be bought from wealth?
5- Conclusion.

It’s not just Wealth that makes things work. big demonstrations that have happened in the world, big changes that have come through in the world, they didn’t happen through wealth. When Quaid-e-Azam started the Pakistan Movement, he did not dp it because of wealth. It is a vision that takes you along. Wealth has its role to play, but don’t think wealth is everything. If you have a strong vision of doing something good to. the society, I tell you resources will come all by itself. Nature will start helping you.
As we all know since our childhood, about the statement that, “Health is wealth”, it has very literal meaning that good health is more than important to the wealth. There are nothing have been blessed to us to be stable all through the life except a good health. People Who do not have, good health are very poor even if they have lots of money. They cannot buy a good health. Nor they can maintain a good health using their wealth. People should - follow healthy lifestyle in order to get good health.
The modern world revolves around wealth. Without 'it,* nothing can happen. Man thinks that wealth, is everything. This thinking is what needs to be changed. In todays, moderate world,’ people need to understand that wealth is not everything.
We can buy many things but not everything. There are many things which cannot be bought with wealth like , respect, hatural beauty, manners, common sense, a clear conscience,
integrity, good friends, trust, a great idea, peace of mind, patience, luck, happy memories, ethics, a positive attitude, appreciation of the simple things, talent, a second chance in life, wisdom, happiness, a good reputation, youth, class, justice, a proper perspective, selflessness, moral values and honesty

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